I have not written anything significant for months. I have been busy rearranging my life. Life becomes very interesting when you take big steps to change your life after decades of living. It is funny how we get into these grooves in our lives. The...

It's November, and what would November be without a post relating to NaNoWriMo?As I finish the second week of NaNo, panic and self-doubt have set in, along with the ever-present question- will I make the finish line? The answer is yes. This will be the...

It’s not a secret — I am an American woman of African descent. My face is on our blog, Twitter, and Instagram feeds. Yes, I see myself as an American first. My family has been part of this land, the United States of America, involuntarily and voluntarily...

My life has been tumultuous the past couple of months. A car accident, fractured finger, loss of my car, decreased income for two months, and even a tornado touched down in my hometown. When things like these happen to me, especially in a short time...

By John RobertI’d like to say I won, but knowing that Covid may want a rematch without warning and that Covid doesn’t need to train, could change its fighting style at any time, and just doesn’t fight fair made me revisit re-think my Covid views. Prior...

 My Pandemic PerspectiveBy Desiree AbramsAs a hospital staff RN, I’ve found Covid-19 very interesting since the very beginning. I recall around March 2020 thinking I needed to watch every single daily Ohio governor briefing and attempted to absorb and understand every little bit of information...

Have you met someone who reminded you why you do what you do? Someone with enthusiasm and energy that is contagious? When someone moves into a new space, some want to squash that life out of them. They cannot stand their light and truth. It...